Vetus BOW PRO Boosted fully proportional brushless thruster BOWB057
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Vetus BOW PRO Boosted fully proportional brushless thruster 12 /24 V & 24 / 48 V tunnel
12 / 24 V Tunnel Description:
Thrust force extended runtime. At the top of this advanced range of thrusters VETUS offers the BOW PRO Boosted 42 innovative and significantly different from existing thrusters. All the features of the amazing BOW PRO with a bonus! There is a third connection on the motor leading current to an internal charger which steps up the voltage from 12 to 24 volts allowing a 12 volt charging source such as the propulsion engine alternator to charge a 24 volt battery bank.Connecting the BOW PRO Boosted directly to a 24 V power supply is also possible of course. The built-in charger recharges your battery bank when the thruster is not in use doubling the value of having the BOW PRO Boosted thruster on your boat.
Recommended battery sizes for the BOW PRO Boosted series are slightly larger than advised for conventional DC thrusters to take full advantage of the motor efficiencies and resulting long run-times of these thrusters.
24 / 48 V Tunnel Description:
The BOW PRO boosted thruster has not only proven to be highly reliable in service, but is also capable of charging the bow thrusters batteries with its innovative internal charging solution which simplifies and speeds up the installation process. In practice, this means users can connect the BOWB180 or BOWB210 to a 24V power supply! The built-in charger recharges your battery when the thruster is not in use, doubling the value of the BOW PRO on board.
– 180kgf output
– Proportional control
– Energy-efficient, with long run times
– No maintenance required on the brushless motor
– Highly efficient, safe and easy to install
– Intelligent motor controller doubles as a battery charger
– The ideal solution for charter vessels
Part Number Thrust (kgf) Power (kw) Internal tunnel diameter (mm) Weight (kg) Voltage (V) Current consumption (A) Continuous operating time (min)
VTS-BOWB057 57kgf 3.1 150 28 12 / 24V 95 10
VTS-BOWB065 65kgf 3.1 185 29 12 / 24V 130 10
VTS-BOWB076 76kgf 3.1 185 29 12 / 24V 250 10
VTS-BOWB090 90kgf 5.7 185 33 12 / 24V 250 10
VTS-BOWB110 110kgf 5.7 185 33 12 / 24V 275 10
VTS-BOWB130 130kgf 5.7 185 33 12 / 24V 275 10
VTS-BOWB150 150kgf 5.7 250 38 12 / 24V 300 10
VTS-BOWB180 180kgf 11 250 45 24 / 48V 185 10
VTS-BOWB210 210kgf 11 250 37 24 / 48V 213 10
VTS-BOWB285 285kgf 300 24 / 48V
VTS-BOWB300 300kgf 300 24 / 48V
VTS-BOWB320 320kgf 300 24 / 48V
VTS-BOWB370 370kgf 400 24 / 48V
VTS-BOWB420 420kgf 400 24 / 48V
375mm x 395mm x 495mm